Pip's Teaching
My teaching allows both horse and handler to understand each other in order to open the lines of communication and to recognise how the human action can inadvertently influence the response of the horse. I specialise in teaching people with their own horses, and rehabilitate problem horses.
There is no blame or punishment with Pippsway, just reward and a glorious sense of achievement for both horse and human. I teach all aspects of horsemanship from ground handling to tack fitting, confident riding at every level, managing injuries and disease, nutrition and pasture management. I can also support you in how to transition your horse to being barefoot.
What is Classical Natural Horsemanship?
Classical Horsemanship naturally, working in harmony with the horse in the horse’s own natural way of being. 'To truly be together as one'

The aims of my teaching
Many of my Clients come to me with "problem" horses, but few recognise that the owner may be part of the problem. My teaching aims to allow both Horse and Handler to understand each other and to open the "lines of communication" between both. The rewards of this are enormous, one being the glorious sense of achievement by both horse and human.